Blog land is an exiting place to be, I have found many creative and interesting blogs and I have put favourites on my blog list. I love to read about other artists and crafts people and what inspires them.
I admire the beautiful blogs I find and then feel I still have a lot to learn about blogging.
There are no courses available, as far as I know and I find it so much easier if someone shows me what to do instead of reading manuals on the internet.
Hand knitted cupcakes |
In this time of my life I can't work because of the cancer treatment I had, so I am trying to find other ways of being creative at home and maybe earn a little extra.
So I found the website "" on the internet and opened my own online shop called "marijke arty."
The website felt is similar to etsy and started in New Zealand.
Only handmade products are for sale on felt, so it is a makers only online marketplace.
I only started this week and selling hand painted watercolour cards and my knitted cupcakes, but more will follow.
My latest watercolour shell cards. |
these are such awesome cards!