Sunday, 18 September 2016

A busy weekend

This weekend was an active, busy weekend with lots of work in the garden.
During the winter Henk pruned trees,but also felled trees in the paddock and we were left with a big heap to burn.
We can't just burn without permission of the fire department, I rang the local council this week and asked for permission to burn in our paddock.
We have a burning permit till the middle of October, after October it can become hazardous to light a fire.
Rachel and Luke helped Henk with getting all the branches to the fire.

This weekend I have been making marmalade from lemons and grapefruit to sell on my roadside stall and when I was filling the jars I thought of a still life oil painting I did a few years ago of lemons.

Still life of lemons.
I haven't used oil for some time now,but kept all the paints, so maybe I will do a small painting again in oils. Water colours are easier to set up and put away and dry so quick.
But oils have an amazing blending time what I like.
Rachel and Luke helping Henk with the burning.

A lot of smoke

Nearly finished.
Today we finished the weekend with a lovely walk on the river banks in Brightwater with Ollie our dog and a yummy coffee afterwards at the local cafe.
So good Spring is here!
I am part of Sunday Sketches.


  1. Het begin van de lente, wat heerlijk. Mijn favoriete seizoen. Hier hebben we een echte Indian summer. Vorige week bijna 30 graden. Toch beginnen de bomen te kleuren en langzaam beginnen blaadjes te vallen. Wat een mooi olieverf schilderij!

    1. Ja het is omgekeerde wereld, bij jou herfst en bij ons voorjaar.Ik vind het voorjaar ook heek fijn,alles in bloei en veel in de tuin bezig.

  2. Beautiful lemon still life! Enjoyed your photos too.

    1. Thank you Christine, it is so nice to get comments and to share a part of my life.

  3. Beautiful still life. You are having Spring fires, and we are beginning to have Autumn ones. Our wood is all piled up, ready for the first cool evening.

  4. I love it how you did the lemon and oranges still life and from the pictures you took I assume you live in a very nice place in the middle of nature!

  5. Gorgeous art, what a super beautiful painting! The lemons are stunning and wonderfully done!
    Happy Sunday Sketches
    Victoria #13

    1. Thank you so much for your inspiring comment, I love the Dutch Masters, so it was for me a lesson in trying to capture the light and softness of the fruit.

  6. Amazing oil painting of the fruit! I have never used oil, only acrylic and watercolor. They each give such a different result, as well as a challenge in using them.

    1. Thank you Barbara, oils are so different from watercolour, you can blend and blend, what is wonderful.

  7. Thank you so much for your kind comment, I really appreciate the feedback from another artist.

  8. Your still life is beautiful, Marijke!


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