Sunday, 25 September 2016

Drawings of Spring in New Zealand.

There is blossom on the trees in our garden, daffodils flowering and tulip heads opening up.
In New Zealand the native  Kowhai tree flowers in Spring as well.
The flowers are bright yellow and attract native birds like the Tui, Bellbird and the New Zealand pigeon Kereru.
When we became New Zealand citizens not long ago,we received a Kowhai tree as a gift.
We have two Kowhai trees in our garden and  they are in flower now.
I did a watercolour painting for a card of the Kohwai flower and a pencil sketch, what will became a painting as well.
I am part of Sunday Sketches

Little watercolour of the kowhai flowers

Pencil sketch for a new painting of the Kowhai flowers

the real Kowhai flowers


  1. Terrific sketch, it sent me off to find pictures of the whole tree. They are really beautiful.

    1. The Kowhai tree is very much loved in New Zealand and grows well in both islands.

  2. that seem to be a beautiful flower. And your sketches are great.
    Gave me an idea actually Have to look around a bit. :)

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment, our gardens can be such a source of inspiration for drawings.

  3. These are so sweet and beautiful. I love your painting.

  4. Very elegant and love w/c painting ~

    Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

  5. really nice work :) starting to get cold here, but oddly enough the daisies in the front are still alive

  6. It's great how you have sketched and watercolored the kowhai flowers and I love it as well to read about spring time in your country while it's becoming autumn here. So I know that spring didn't vanish but only moved to the other side of our earth. Good to know :)

  7. beautiful flower drawings! thanks for the visit.


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