Sunday, 26 June 2016

A stormy Sunday

Shells from the beach
This morning when I woke up I heard heavy rain on the roof and the wind rattling bare branches against my bedroom window. 
The weather forecast was for a stormy rainy day and indeed the forecast was correct when I looked outside.
I had a coffee in bed and time reading my favorite magazine "Daphne's dairy", because there was no hurry getting up at all.
But of course Ollie my dog wanted breakfast, so I had to leave my warm bed to feed Ollie.
I decided today was a good day for painting, I found some nice shells on the beach a few days earlier, and I painted two shell cards in watercolour in the morning.
I am selling cards at my hairdresser and she sold about five cards,so I have to paint some more.

More shells
The rain stopped in the afternoon and a beautiful rainbow appeared above the hop fields, our view from the lounge window.
Time for another walk on the beach with Ollie.

View from our lounge
I am part of bluechairdairy blog Sunday sketches 


  1. Lovely colours and watery feel, do some more!

  2. Lovely cards, I can see why they are selling. Beautiful rainbow shot as well!

    1. Thank you Christine, I am so happy I can sell my cards!

  3. Beautiful and elegant shell painting ~

    Happy Day and Week to you ~ ^_^

    1. Thank you Carol for your lovely comment,also a wonderful week to you.

  4. What beautiful seashell paintings, they are so lovely! It looks like a beautiful place for a walk...

    1. Thank you Lisa for your comment, yes Ruby Bay were I take my dog for a walk is beautiful, always gives me peace to walk on the beach.

  5. Beautiful color combination for the shells, especially the first one. They look like you're looking down on them in a tide pool.

    1. Thank you Barbara, I often look in tide pools on the beach how shells and pebbles look under water and watercolours is a great medium to create that feel.

  6. Thank you Alexandra, Ollie is the most adorable dog in the world!


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