Saturday, 11 June 2016

Sunday sketch and art for the elderly

It is winter and this weeks Sunday sketch is a quick water colour impression of bare winter trees.
On Thursday morning I went with my therapy dog Ollie for our weekly visit to Jack Inglis, a local hospital and resthome for the elderly.
Every week Ollie,my dog and I visit this rest home and we do the rounds and Ollie gives a lot of joy and cuddles to the residents.
This week was a bit different because for the first time I did an hour workshop water colour painting with some of the hospital residents.
I made this water colour sketch as an sample for my small group of  elderly painters.
Ollie of course had to give everyone a cuddle before we started and then he settled next to the chairs and kept an eye on what was going on.
First we used water colour paints to create the back ground and then the ladies used a black marker pen to outline and draw in the trees.
The big brushes and marker pens are easy to hold for unsteady hands.
At work
 I had four ladies painting and after an hour everyone was tired, especially because this was the first time there was an art class and it was all very new.
We finished  just before lunch time and Ollie and I were happy with the results!
Some backgrounds finished.


  1. Your painting is beautiful. It is wonderful what you do to help the elderly.

  2. I love it to see how you have inspired the old lady and I love your beautiful watercolor painting too! It's a wonderful job you are doing there!

    1. Thank you Stefanie, it was the first art workshop in the rest home and two of the ladies suffered a stroke, so it was hard for them to hold brushes,but I think the results for them were nice.

  3. what a lovely painting! here, it's very hot! so it's refreshing to see such a "cool" image!

    visiting from Sunday Sketches!

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment. We had another frost during the night and for us it will winter solstice soon, the shortest day.

  4. I'm sure your visits to the home are very much loved and appreciated. I know my Dad would have loved seeing a doggy visit where he was before he passed. Your painting is lovely and thanks for sharing photos of their artwork too...a job well done for sure! :)

    1. Ollie, my dog and I visit the rest home every week and I am writing little stories about the visits, because every week it is different and Ollie is a Labrador/border collie cross and really clever!

  5. really nice painting and what a great thing to do at the resthome :)

    1. Thank you Jennifer for your nice comment, it is so good to get comment from fellow bloggers and artists. I also teach children and people with mental health issues, today we did Pop Art and painted in the style of Andy Warhol, so I hope to write on my blog next week about this work shop.

  6. Thank you Alexandra, the elderly ladies really loved it, so tomorrow another art hour at the rest home.


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